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Rosenstiel school Rosenstiel school undergraduate program

Degree Options

The Rosenstiel School offers three undergraduate degree options, a Bachelor of Science in Marine and Atmospheric Science with majors in Marine Science and Meteorology and a Bachelor of Arts in Marine Affairs. The Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Science is a full double major program that requires a major in Marine Science through the Rosenstiel School and a major in one of the sciences through the College of Arts and Sciences (Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geological Sciences, Mathematics, Microbiology and Immunology, Neurosciences, or Physics), the College of Engineering (any major), or Rosenstiel (Meteorology).

See under Marine Science for curricula for the more common double major combinations: marine science/biology, marine science/chemistry, marine science/geology, marine science/physics, marine science/computer science, and marine science/meteorology.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology is a single major program, though students often combine meteorology with a second major in mathematics, physics, or marine science. A double major combining meteorology and broadcast journalism through the School of Communications is an increasingly popular option.

The Bachelor of Science degree program is meant for students planning to continue with graduate studies in marine and atmospheric science, or for those who will pursue a technical career in these areas in government or private industry.

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Marine Affairs is designed for students planning either non-technical careers with government agencies or private industries directly or indirectly concerned with the ocean, or graduate studies in such areas as business, law, economics, political science, education, or communication.

In cooperation with the graduate program in Marine Affairs and Policy, a five-year BA/MPS program in Marine Affairs is available. This program enables qualified students to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Marine Affairs in four years with the opportunity to earn a Master of Professional Science in Marine Affairs with only one additional year.

Equal Opportunity/Non‐Discrimination 

It is the policy of the University of Miami that no person within the jurisdiction thereof shall, on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination or harassment (including all forms of sexual harassment and sexual violence) under any program or activity of the University, regardless of whether such program or activity occurs on‐campus or off‐campus. A retaliatory action against any person who has reported a potential violation or participated in a subsequent investigation is also prohibited.
